On my mind, in my heart...

This is a powerful time. I've had good days where I'm feeling positive, centered, certain. And not so good ones, where I am running into myself and my own judgements. I find that on those days, the trick is to not beat myself up if the day has gotten away from me or my mind isn't focusing. Practicing kindness, especially towards ourselves, is not always easy. But nothing worthy is ever easy.

Someone asked me the other day, "Libra, you work from home, right? Is it any different for you now?" And in fact it is. Marc is home all the time, for one! Our dining table has become his command center. At first I was like, ‘but it’s our dining table and what if we want to like, dine there’? But that’s just was silly. We have other places to eat at (in front of the TV!) and it’s not like we’re having dinner guests over. Besides, it does look pretty cool. What you about you, how’s your home office area working out?

I know our dog Coco is happier than ever, with us around all the time. Her joy is a reason just to get up in the morning. Thank god for our pets, right!?!

In between sleeping late, making tea, taking walks, many rounds of vacuuming, infrequent baking and yet another Friday that came out of nowhere, I managed to get some work done. Librastudio has gotten some updates: a new home page, a shop with some pillows…and my newest service offering, a Dash of Design! It’s a Q&A style mini-session that gives you valuable direction to your current design question, all conducted over email. I’m offering a special rate right now, while we're all in hunker-down mode. So take advantage and please share with your friends!

Plus, an extra special incentive: the first three people to comment on this post ‘Yes to a dash of design!’, will get half off the current discounted rate (that means you’ll get a professional answer to your design question for $50!).

Take care and be well. ♡